Old Ladies Know Stuff with Rhonda Stoppe & Friends

Comedian Bob Smiley_Learning to Laugh When Life Doesn't Turn Out Like You Had Planned

Rhonda Stoppe No Regrets Woman Season 2 Episode 19

Bob Smiley - Your friend & Mine joins us today on this episode of Old Ladies Know Stuff.

The Average Boy books, and Clubhouse Articles. And The Official Average Boy Podcast is aimed at making your kids laugh while encouraging them to be the best God created them to be.

In this episode, Bob tells stories from his Average Boy life, including some of his embarrassing dating moments. And the insights Bob shares from being a single dad to his sons are super encouraging. Bob never expected to be a single dad. But he and his sons found that The Joy of the Lord helped them find the humor in the most unexpected times - like when they realized they were finally allowed to use whatever towels in the house that they wanted!  Join us as Bob shares super funny stories to help you LOL because the Joy of the Lord is your strength!

And watch for Bob's 3rd Dry Comedy Bar Special - Coming Soon!

Here is a link to watch his other Dry Comedy Bar Specials: 

Bob's 2024 Tour Dates:

Comedian Bob Smiley has been doing standup for over 25 years all over the United States and Arkansas.  He’s written 4 books for Focus on the Family under the series he created called “The Adventure’s of Average Boy”.  The books, as well as “The Average Boy Podcast” are aimed at making kids laugh while encouraging them to be the best God created them to be.  Bob is also very good at mowing and has a massive hotel shampoo collection.

Book Bob for your next event!

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"This podcast is for the purpose of mentoring only and is not a replacement for therapy. We suggest you seek out the help of a trained biblical counselor for help with your specific situation.”

Rhonda Stoppe:

Friends, welcome to another live episode of Old Ladies Know Stuff. I can't tell you how excited I am to share this episode with you today because my friend Bob Smiley has agreed to come and talk to all y'all and he has some awesome insights. He and I have spoken together at a number of homeschool conventions. And if you are a homeschool event planner or you know your homeschool event planner, give them Bob's name because he does a great job, at homeschool conventions. But I'm gonna bring Bob on, and then we're just gonna just talk about all the things Bob. So, I think I'll read your bio even after I get you on here, Bob. So come on. There he is.

Rhonda Stoppe:

And we're gonna say he's he's at a camp. He's speaking at, is it Young Life? Is that what you said it was?

Bob Smiley:

No. It's a Teen Challenge and that's why I'm

Rhonda Stoppe:

Teen Challenge. Sorry.

Bob Smiley:

I'm sweating right now because yeah. Yeah. It's a Teen Challenge. And I've been hanging out all day with the guys. And we just did this amazing cardio, workout, called horseshoes, where you throw horseshoes at a stick. So quite quite the cardio workout.

Rhonda Stoppe:

That's funny. I actually interviewed someone who's the head of Teen Challenge in San Diego, California, and it was the most insightful interview. And I'll have to share that link with you so you can listen to it. But Teen Challenge is such an effective ministry, and Bob do they need to laugh. Anyways, let's talk about Bob. Bob is a comedian, and you've been doing stand up comedy for 25 years all over the United States and Arkansas. And Bob has written 4 books for focus on the family. We love focus on the family here under the series he has created called The Adventures of Average Boy.

Rhonda Stoppe:

The books, as well as the Average Boy podcast, are aimed at making kids laugh while encouraging them to be the best God created them to be. Bob is also very good at mowing and has a massive hotel shampoo collection. And we're gonna hear mowing today while you're at camp. We're hearing it in the background, but we're just gonna push through.

Bob Smiley:

Yeah. It's true. They they just are mowing on you.

Rhonda Stoppe:

And I'll say we're getting a little glitches here and there because you're on this, like, some interesting Wi Fi. So we're gonna push through even if it glitches, we're gonna keep going. So we're we're gonna be great. So Bob, his newest book is Average Boys I'm sorry, Average Boys Above Average Summer. It just came out September 17th this year. I love that Average Boy is here to make you laugh and encourage you in your face. I'm gonna read the back cover cover copy of the book. The Average Boys series features humorous writing, and it is so much fun.

Rhonda Stoppe:

My grandkids love it, and whimsical illustrations to help readers embrace the idea that life isn't always about being the smartest, most athletic, or best looking kid in the neighborhood. Love that so much. Faith, family, and friends are far more valuable than being perceived as cool. What happens when average boy Bob Smiley gets to the end of an average above average school year? Why? It's time for an above average summer, of course. If things go according to plan and average boy always has lots of plans, then this summer will be his best one ever. You see, average boy isn't going to sleep in until noon this summer, at least not every day. No. He has big goals for the next few months.

Rhonda Stoppe:

This summer is when average boy will finally build that treehouse he's been planning with his best friend Smiley. This summer is when he will brush his teeth every morning as soon as he finds his toothbrush, and this summer, he's setting a goal to invite everyone in town to church. Love that. There will be challenges along the way. Challenges like Donnie, the school bully, or Sarah and Everly, who always seem to have water balloons in Rhonda. But his his challenge this summer is that huge, hairy hissher who lurks in the woods behind average boy's house and seems determined to ruin his treehouse building plant. It will definitely be a summer to remember. I love it.

Rhonda Stoppe:

I have 15 grandkids, 15, Bob, 15, and they love the Average Boy books and the podcast. You've got that going too. I was at a writer's conference at Mount Hermon, and I got to meet Jesse floor Floria. How do you say it? Floria. And, he is does the podcast with you. He writes with you. I can't tell you how happy I am that you are associated with Focus on the Family. So am I.

Rhonda Stoppe:

I write for them and do shows with them. So so happy that you're here today. So we're just gonna jump in, and I'm gonna ask you some questions. First of all, how close is the story of average boy to maybe your own story when you were growing up?

Bob Smiley:

It is right on track. Average boy grows up. He lives in a very small town, so that's why inviting everybody to town. I grew up in a town with 281 people. Average boy is living in that town. Average boy lives in the house that I grew up in. Like, it's it's pretty people are always saying, where do you get your inspiration? And I'm like, I look at an old photo book of me as a kid and I remember stories and then I write them down. So Average Boy is it's a the best way to describe it, it's a modern day version of me.

Bob Smiley:

So it's a lot of stuff that happened to me as a kid. Now I've been writing the Average Boy series for over 20 years. It started in Clubhouse Magazine, the magazine that focus puts out for middle school kids. So I that many Stoppe, I'm now drawing stories from my kids. My wife and I, we have, 5 tax deductions, all boys. And so we basically have 5 little riders, living, at home with us, but they don't know about royalties.

Rhonda Stoppe:

Let's not tell them. So how old are they?

Bob Smiley:

Yeah. I hope they don't look it up. Yeah. No. Well, they're they're getting old now. We're we're getting close. So we're now down to 1 kid living in the house, but they range everywhere from 13 to 24. But the 24 year old, he actually just moved back in town.

Bob Smiley:

He's not living with us, but he's over at the house. We call him laundry clause because he comes in with a big bag that looks like it's gonna be gifts, and it's just it's a bag of clothes for him do, his laundry. And so we've only got technically one kid living at the house, but all the kid it's 2 of them are going to Texas A&M, rambunctious house.

Rhonda Stoppe:

My son graduated from A&M, my oldest son. He was in the corps, ROTC, went into the air force from A&M, you know, we're from California, we moved to Texas, actually we adopted Tony into our family, we found him in Texas, And then when he went to a and m and we went on campus, we were like, where are we? It was like such a culture shock. Such a different experience, but very, very cool.

Bob Smiley:

When my oldest one so my oldest Rhonda and actually, when he left, he was like, I'm gonna get an engineering degree, but and he said this. He said, but I'm not gonna drink the Kool Aid because A&M people are my aunt and uncle, they have the disease. Like, all their their couches, their everything's maroon, their trucks. And so Trent said, I am Rhonda drink the Kool Aid. And then he went to his first football game, 1st Texas A and M football game, and he called me at the end of the game and he goes, I drank the Kool Aid. And he's now Texas A&M through and through. Like, they they get you. They they get you.

Bob Smiley:

I didn't know you had a kid that goes up, but that's why we we get along because we're both in debt, like massive debt.

Rhonda Stoppe:

He's he's now old enough. He just retired from the air force. He was a fighter pilot. He flew the f 22. In fact, we'll brag Rhonda and m for a minute. The corps, he graduated college with a fighter pilot slot, and they only and they only got out of the whole nation, they only took 14 fighter pilots that year, and he was one of them. So, yeah, it's a pretty cool and he didn't you know, everyone's like, did he go to the Air Force Academy? I'm like, no. He went to A&M.

Rhonda Stoppe:

And, yeah, he full on drank the Kool Aid, and it was like we went to the first thing we went to was one of those football games. It's like everybody stands through the whole game. They shoot a cannon when there's a a touchdown. There's the what's that? The unknown it's not the unknown. What is that called? There's, like, an unknown man. Some some man.

Bob Smiley:

The 12th man?

Rhonda Stoppe:

12th man. There we go.

Bob Smiley:

The 12th man. Not the unknown man.

Rhonda Stoppe:

The unknown man. Remember the unknown comic back are you old enough to remember the unknown comic? Probably not.

Bob Smiley:

Oh, yeah. I wore a brown bag over Yeah. I I was in, like, elementary school, and he wore a brown bag, and he was on TV. It was not me. I although, at prom at prom, I was the unknown, kid, evidently because no way, he danced with me. But,

Rhonda Stoppe:

I mean, this took a turn. We do a thing at our church every year and it's called laughs and lattes. And I have just for our ladies, we just get together to laugh. And especially especially as things have gotten kind of crazy in the world, it's like we just need to get together and laugh. And that's what I so appreciate about you and your ministry of laughter. And so we watched some of some of the clips from your shows at one of our laughs and lattes. And I love the if I can remember the the one where you were a kid with a sweaty hand and you were gonna hold a girl's hand. Do you remember that story? That's such a good story.

Bob Smiley:

I do. And that's a true Stoppe. Where For

Rhonda Stoppe:

all the moms here that have our all of this moms that have our junior high sons that are just starting to figure out the girl thing, this is a good story for us. So go ahead.

Bob Smiley:

Yeah. My my hand I was standing next to a a girl that I really like, and the the take spray, take the person's hand next to you. And my hand, it did not raining. Like, there was a rain cloud formed around my Rhonda, and I put it in her hand and it slipped out, which, you know, junior high, you're already as awkward as you can feel. And it slipped out of her Rhonda, so I thought I would, like, squeeze her hand tightly so it wouldn't Stoppe, not realizing that you shouldn't squeeze another person's hand if you have a sweaty hand. So it it made a noise that sounded like I'd just left Taco Bell, in the middle of church. And and this is this is a true Stoppe. And it made this loud, like, gaseous, sound, I guess is the best way to put it.

Bob Smiley:

And everybody looked at me and this girl looked at me, and I actually did say, that was a loud one, which is the worst thing to say after that noise.

Rhonda Stoppe:

That's funny. I love it. I love it. So your so you have one son left at home. So when I met you was when my first book, Moms Raising Sons to be Men, came out in 2013. We met at a homeschool convention that we were both speaking at and there was just an instant connection. I've just loved your work. I've loved your story and I've watched your story unfold and I watched you kind of go through a difficult season.

Rhonda Stoppe:

And what I loved was Nehemiah 8:10 is one of my life verses. I I tell it so often in my own story. The joy of the Lord is your strength. And, you know, when when they built that wall and Nehemiah pulls them all together to give him a pep talk, and what does he tell him? He says, the joy of the Lord is your strength because there's truth that if we don't fight for joy when life is giving us those ups and downs, it can just really destroy us. And if our kids see our joy in the middle of some of our deepest struggles, our darkest seasons, that can be what testimony God uses to draw them to our savior. So you, went through a dark season and and you're a single dad for quite some time. Right? And then, when did you get married? I can't remember. It was

Bob Smiley:

So we got, so I got married to Sarah, at I almost said my current wife. That doesn't sound good. I got married to my final wife, I guess, is the way, in 2018.

Rhonda Stoppe:


Bob Smiley:

In 2018. But I was a single dad, and Nehemiah was definitely I love the whole new testament is great. Okay. Just checking. I just I'm like Yeah. I'm not out there this time. Yeah. No.

Bob Smiley:

Yeah. It really was, like, yeah. I I was married 17 years, and she, met this other dude. And I remember I remember asking him, like, what does he have that I don't have? And she told me and I remember thinking at the time it was a gun, but, do you know what a 401 k is?

Rhonda Stoppe:

You kinda do. Yeah. He had a huge

Bob Smiley:

yeah, he had a huge one of those. And,

Rhonda Stoppe:

Not AK 47.

Bob Smiley:

So yeah. No. No. No. Totally different. But yeah. Try to stay positive, through all because, you know, all of a sudden, life was not looking like I thought it was gonna look, and I'm trying to find joy. Some of the silly things that that made my boys and I laugh, you know, I look back on it now realizing like, oh, god was actually using humor to kinda help us heal.

Bob Smiley:

You know, one of the things that that one of the first times we we laughed, as the smiley boys is, we realized that since she had left, we can now touch any towel in our house, which may seem silly to people. But before, we had all these nontouchable decorative towels that we couldn't touch. And so the first time we really kinda laughed and realized, like, we're gonna be okay was Xander came downstairs and, he was like and and he made a he made a joke. He goes, is the divorce over? And I was like, yeah. And I said, why? And he said, well, because there's still some furniture left. And he was joking, you know, because there wasn't. But but he said he goes, if it's he goes he goes, if it's over, I'm gonna go touch the towel. And we had this one towel in our master bathroom.

Bob Smiley:

And I know this is silly, but at the time, like, we were hurting and we needed this so he just ran in and he just put his hand up and he just goes, freedom. And he touched this towel that we weren't supposed to touch. And and the next hour, we're running we're, like, running around the house popping each other with towels and and stuff like that. And I look back on that and I was, like, wow, that was a moment where we realized, like, okay. We're going through something, like some tragedy, but God still has joy for us. There's still joy in this world to be found. We just gotta keep our head, you know, just focused on God and looking for the opportunities that he gives us. And so, yeah, it was a it was a pretty pretty rough time, but it's kinda fun to look back and see how God kinda got us through it, you know.

Bob Smiley:

And and a lot of it was using people from the church to come in and pray with us or help. I remember a lady called me one time from our church, and she said, do you want me to come over and help teach the kids stuff? And I was like, what do you mean teach? And she was like, you know, like, laundry or dishes. And I remember telling her, no. We can do it all at once. We have a huge pool. And, so so it was different experiences. My my kids definitely had a a different childhood than they would've had, you know, their mom not made that decision. But, but, yeah, God got us through it.

Bob Smiley:

And now, I was a single dad for a while. I was not gonna I wasn't interested in relationships or going out. Amazing woman on, one of the 7 dating apps that I'd signed up for. Yeah. Don't judge me. No. We, but, yeah, we, I met this I met this amazed and, and she's got 2 so these are these are my kids. I don't know if you can see it because we're Rhonda dial up.

Bob Smiley:

These are my kids' initials. So my kids are Dylan and Mason. So she has 2, 2 kids. So, yeah, we're a blended family.

Rhonda Stoppe:

That's cool. And so I know that I have women that are listening that are walking through a dark time. They're walking through dad walked out. Some of them are widowed and and that my heart is with you. And some of them, like you said, never expected to be a single mom, never expected to raise these kids by themselves. And the joy of the Lord seems so far away. And what I was thinking of while you were talking about your story is weeping remains for a night, but rejoicing does come in the morning. And only God knows how he can take what was evil and use it for good.

Rhonda Stoppe:

And I love how you just continue directing your kids' hearts toward the Lord. And and I know that's hard for someone who is, you know, the rug is pulled out from under you. If someone's, you know, chosen a person other than you, that affects your own self worth, you know, all the things. And these women, I think, can find just such a great resource even for their kids. Start reading the average boy Stoppe to them at night when they go to bed. Like, there's it it's humor and it's, real. And these kids are, you know, getting the stories that the same thing these kids are living through. And also your your standup comedy.

Rhonda Stoppe:

Let's talk about that because I feel like there are times, you know, my husband's a pastor. There are times that people in our church family make stupid decisions and it just really devastates their families, their marriages, and you grieve right along with their children, with their spouse, with I mean, that's that's a painful thing. And sometimes Steve and I just put on dry bar comedy and and, laugh at some of those. So tell us about your dry bar comedy.

Bob Smiley:

Well, one of the things I'll say first, because you do have a lot of, listeners that have probably are either going through this or have been through this, where all of a sudden they found themselves single when they thought they had made a commitment. I just remind them this is something to help me. You're not defined by your relationship Stoppe. So you don't have to be in a relationship to you know, you don't have to be a power team. God created you. If you have air in your lungs, you you are important to God. And he has a plan and a path for do this of, as soon as I found out, oh, I'm single, I felt like, oh, I need to be I need somebody to, you know, validate me as a person and Stoppe, and you'd really have to have like, you you are important to God. So I'd you know, to start focusing and seeing what God has for you for you, you know that makes sense?

Rhonda Stoppe:

Yeah. Absolutely. And I'm sure in the mid in the darkest hours Uh-oh. Like you said, people from the church came and poured into you and your kids. Like, sometimes when we can't bear the burden ourselves, having someone else come and speak that truth. Right?

Bob Smiley:

Mhmm. Yeah. Yeah. But as far as comedy, yeah, I think God gave us laughter. I tell this on stage, but, it this is true. I really did read a medical journal that said laughter is 10 times more powerful than morphine, than our strongest drug, and God has given that to us for free. The the joke I tell in Stoppe is now sometimes you need morphine. If I break my leg in half, I don't want my doctor standing over me going knock, knock, you know, like, trying to tell me a joke.

Bob Smiley:

But but, honestly, he like, God has given us laughter. I'm doing a team challenge show tonight for these guys who have somewhere along the the way, they've taken the wrong path. Satan has lured them off, and their lives were headed for destruction and for what however they ended up, they ended up here, and they're giving their lives over to Jesus. And there it's gonna be some of the best laughs, you know, that I'm gonna have at my shows this week because these people have been broke they they truly know what joy I I love doing stand up and I love making people laugh, but especially people that are going through hard times. I love just to to, you know, some dumb joke that I wrote just feel joy to be found in in this place. And, yeah, it's it's, it's very cool to be be a part of all that.

Rhonda Stoppe:

Yeah. I love that. I have a sister that died of an overdose in 21 in 2021, and, she was multimillionaire film producer, highly successful in the world's eyes, and her addiction to prescription drugs just destroyed her. So, yeah, I, any any hope, glimmer of hope for these people that have found Christ who has rescued them out of that addiction and then to just have that joy and that laughter, what a gift that you're giving them. So you have already, a dry bar comedy special, but you have another one coming up. Where is it? I'm looking in my notes to find that.

Bob Smiley:

So I I've already put out 2, and I'm about to film the third one. So I'm I'm not sure when that one is gonna come out. But, yeah, I'm about to have, the third one. And it's it's gonna be all material about the blended family and,

Rhonda Stoppe:


Bob Smiley:

know, kind of my new life and everything. So I'm I'm really looking forward to that. Also because of what you said, I'm finding more and more people are, you know, discovering the that they're in that situation of being a blended family. And, you know, people always say, oh, it's a blended family. I bet it's like the Brady Bunch. And I'm like, it was like the first 15 minutes of Saving Private Ryan at first. I'm like, it's it's, it's it's it's pretty difficult. So, hopefully, yeah, hopefully, a lot of these stories will just help people kinda take a moment if they're struggling with blending their kids together and stuff like that.

Bob Smiley:

They can just take a moment, laugh for a little bit, and just be reminded, like, it's gonna be okay. If you stay focused and you and you lead with love, you know, that was the big thing is, of getting our kids to blend together is, just to to realize, like, we're a family and we love each other because Christ loved us. And, you know, that that that moves the the marker down pretty quickly.

Rhonda Stoppe:


Bob Smiley:


Rhonda Stoppe:


Bob Smiley:

And I think Yeah. I'm really looking forward to this special.

Rhonda Stoppe:

Yeah. I think so many, Christian families when this happens and they end up broken, they feel like they're the only one. And when they have a blended family, they feel like nobody else, you know, all the other good Christian families and the good Christian marriages that are doing well, we're the only one. And I think that your humor following your story, celebrating with you that God gave you a really hot life now. Like, wow. Yeah. And just watching even on your, your Instagram. I follow you on there, and I see clips of your comedy all the time.

Rhonda Stoppe:

Follow him at Bob Smiley for Instagram, and, like those comments. I mean, you know, give him some interaction on those. Let him know you listen to him and and that you're, on board. It helps a lot. And also just those little clips in the middle of my day, I just LOL all the time.

Bob Smiley:

I wanna I wanna tell you this because you mentioned that my wife is very attractive and, so I tell this on stage, but this is a true story. One night we were getting snacks to go watch a movie, and we were at our grocery Stoppe. And, this is when we were dating, and this is how, attractive she is. We walked up with our snacks, and the the grocery guy, we set him down on the conveyor belt and he looked at me and he looked at her and he picked up the in our stuff. So he basically was saying, yeah, there's no way she's with

Rhonda Stoppe:

you. No way you're together.

Bob Smiley:

Like Yeah. That's that's what he was saying. Nothing to, like, say, no. She's made, but I also I wanted her for her own snacks. I had a dilemma, there. So but that is that's a true story.

Rhonda Stoppe:

That's so good. So the we will be watching go to Dry Bar Comedy. There's a lot of great comedians on there. I what I love about it is it's clean. It's not there's not swearing. There's not, inappropriate things that are being talked about. It's like you can watch it with your Smiley. And honestly, you can watch them over and over again.

Rhonda Stoppe:

I get a kick out of them every single time. Find Bob Smiley too that he always already has. Subscribe. There's another one coming up. And then his average boys average I'm sorry. Average boys above average summer is only one of the 4 in your series. So you can start buying

Bob Smiley:

all those Yeah. It's the 4th one.

Rhonda Stoppe:

Yeah. 4th 4th 1. And, also, I love the devotions for super average kids.

Bob Smiley:

Yeah. Those were the first 2. So those are average boys' stories, but they have devotion chapter is a funny story, but it's about what we're dealing with. Like, the importance of guarding your eyes or picking good friends or stuff like that. And so there's devotion questions at the end of each chapter. So that the books. And then the third one was just a fictional comedy book, but there's still a lot of biblical takeaway stuff in that one. That one's called average boys above average year.

Bob Smiley:

That's a year of him going to a new school. He deals with some bullies and, oh, there there you go. Right there. That's it. That's where I sold the one copy. Okay.

Rhonda Stoppe:

Yeah. It's great. And honestly, for, it's it's readable. The level the reading level like, my grandson is gonna be 8, and he can read this. Like, he's he's able to read it himself, which is you know, they feel good about when they can read it themselves. It's like it's not a little kid book. It's a it's a big kid book. And moms, it's great to read to your kids.

Rhonda Stoppe:

Grandmas, I'm a grandma. This is a great gift. You can get the whole series for your grandkids. You can subscribe to Clubhouse. Is it in Clubhouse Junior or Clubhouse Magazine? I can't remember.

Bob Smiley:

It's it's Clubhouse Magazine, and you actually just reminded me of a story. I was at a festival when the first, book came out, which was a devotional book. And yeah. There you go. Clubhouse. Mhmm. Mhmm. That's the magazine.

Bob Smiley:

But I was at a festival when the when the very first average boy book came out, devotions for super average kids. And, a 72 year old grandmother bought the book and I chatted with her at my table at my merch table, but it was a 3 day festival. And she told me she bought it for a grandson, and then she came back the next day and she bought another copy. And I remember talking to her and I was like, you said you only have one grandson. And she said that she went back to her hotel that night and she started reading it and she started laughing and she got so caught up, She forgot and she started filling out the devotion questions at the end of the first chapter before she remembered like, oh, this is supposed to be my grandson. So she bought us

Rhonda Stoppe:

That's awesome. Yeah. That's great. And I found the section in the magazine. Here's your here's your section in Clubhouse. So that's another good gift to get for grandkids. Like, if you don't you know, my kids I have so many grandkids, and my my children are, like, don't buy them all the stuff. They have no room to put one more LEGO tower.

Rhonda Stoppe:

So I try to buy I try to buy them experiences. So subscriptions are a great thing to the magazines, and don't forget that podcast that they can listen to also, which is, through Focus on the Family. Okay. I think are you froze up? Can you hear me okay? Your face is frozen with a big smile. I'm gonna keep talking in case you can't. Bob has offered us a free download and it is the full stand up comedy special, breaking Bob, which is super funny. I'm gonna put the link in here in the show notes, but I don't know if you can, on the screen, I don't know if you can get them, but you can also I will put it in the show notes and you'll be able to click on it and get the full stand up comedy from Bob. Go to Bob Smiley's website and you can, man, book him for an event that you have coming up.

Rhonda Stoppe:

If it's a marriage conference, if it's a homeschool convention, if it's any kind of an event that you think a blended family event, a grandparenting summit, there is just so many fun things that you could do, if you bring Bob Smiley Rhonda, and he will make your people LOL. He's been a great friend of mine, a great friend to this ministry, and I am just so grateful for the time that Bob got to spend with us. Obviously, he's fallen off of our radar. He's at a camp, and they're using a little booster to try to get him a signal. So we got what we got, which I'm grateful for. And you can watch this again live on the YouTube channel, and I will also take the audio, and you will be able to listen to this interview on my podcast, Old Ladies Know Stoppe, Life Lessons with Rhonda Stoppe and Friends. Thanks so much for joining us, Bob. Thanks so much for you joining us, and I can't wait to get with you again for another episode of Old Ladies Know Stuff.

Rhonda Stoppe:

You all have a great day.

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