Old Ladies Know Stuff with Rhonda Stoppe & Friends
Old Ladies Know Stuff –– They really do! And we are here to teach you all-the-things! If the secret to a life-well-lived comes through godly mentors, then let's listen together to world changers who are impacting our world with their message!No matter your age or stage of life please come LAUGH with us, CRY with us, CELEBRATE with us while learning insights from women who've walked the path ahead of you. In this fun and engaging show join Rhonda and friends offer: practical help- real stories- biblical insights to help you build a life without regrets.
Old Ladies Know Stuff with Rhonda Stoppe & Friends
Moms Like Us Do Things Like This! with Guest Mona Corwin
10 MINUTES OF AWESOME! Please Don't miss this episode & SHARE it E'ry Where! Moms Like Us Do Things Like This host Mona Corwin is teaming up with Rhonda Stoppe on this special Guest Cast recorded together at the 2023 Spark Media Christian Podcasters Conference.
Mona Corwin: As Christian moms, we want to know the right way to raise our kids to be solid in their foundation of truth and biblical foundations of real faith to grow those virtues, to find character, gifts and talents, yes, of house. But the thing that I have found is that they wanna ask questions of real flesh and blood women which is why I love this podcast. Right? That Older women do know things. So the Moms Like Us Academy is a trusted online space where moms just like us, moms just like you, that they can learn skills and strategies and tools to crush it at motherhood instead of motherhood crushing the. Because you know what?
Rhonda Stoppe: Say that again!To learn how to crush it at motherhood because bud or before motherhood crushes you.
Mona Corwin [00:01:40]:
Oh, preach it, sister. The thing that I've noticed is that moms have to of their greatest fears is that their marriages won't last and that they'll screw up their very own kids. And so in that academy, we bring on experts. Old ladies like us, right? That teach truth. So when you think Moms Like Us Academy, you can think Titus to on have bought online and we're there to mentor you and guide you all the way through.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:02:05]:
Full access to moms just like us. Titus 2 moms have gone online. I love that. To hear for you. So how would they join the Moms Like Us Academy?
Mona Corwin [00:02:15]:
Easy. You're gonna go to momslikeus.org . I say that a lot. It's MomsLikeUs.org, and you can read about the academy, and you can read about woman, and you can sign up right there. And it's a monthly, a monthly woman, monthly academy. So it's like a monthly subscription and there's different prices at different times. And so if you email me at mona@momslikeus.org, then and tell me that you heard me on the radio and on the podcast, then I will give you a coupon to get the best price that you can get.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:02:54]:
Awesome. Because all of us know that moms like us are on a budget. We are. And I'm telling you what, with the gas prices I'm from California. The gas prices are over $5 a gallon now. And all those minivan moms that used to run around are now finding more fun things to do in their own communities, because it just costs a fortune to drive. So you can go to this event without leaving your house.
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"This podcast is for the purpose of mentoring only and is not a replacement for therapy. We suggest you seek out the help of a trained biblical counselor for help with your specific situation.”
Rhonda Stoppe [00:00:01]:
How, friends. This is Rhonda Stoppe with Old Ladies No Stuff With my guest...
Mona Corwin [00:00:06]:
Mona Crowin. Podcast: "Moms like us do things like this."
Rhonda Stoppe [00:00:11]:
So we're teaming up at the Spark Media Conference. And we are learning about all things podcasting and we have kindred hearts, kindred spirits. So my heart is for moms and for women and all of you author somethings that are, you know, my avatar is that soccer mom that's doing all the things and needing to learn how to have an amazing marriage and how to guide their kids toward their purpose and passion and really to build a life without regrets. Mona, share with us your heart, your ministry and your passion.
Mona Corwin [00:00:40]:
Well, that's exactly why we're such kindred spirits because the moms like us is moms like us do things like this. As Christian moms, we want to know the right way to raise our kids to be solid in their foundation of truth and biblical foundations of real faith to grow those virtues, to find character, gifts and talents, yes, of house. But the thing that I have found is that they wanna ask questions of real flesh and blood women which is why I love this podcast. Right? That Older women do know things. So the Moms Like Us Academy is a trusted online space where moms just like us, moms just like you, that they can learn skills and strategies and tools to crush it at motherhood instead of motherhood crushing the. Because you know what?Rhonda: Say that again!To learn how to crush it at motherhood because bud or before motherhood crushes you.
Mona Corwin [00:01:40]:
Oh, preach it, sister. The thing that I've noticed is that moms have to of their greatest fears is that their marriages won't last and that they'll screw up their very own kids. And so in that academy, we bring on experts. Old ladies like us, right? That teach truth. So when you think Moms Like Us Academy, you can think Titus to on have bought online and we're there to mentor you and guide you all the way through.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:02:05]:
Full access to moms just like us. Titus 2 moms have gone online. I love that. To hear for you. So how would they join the Moms Like Us Academy?
Mona Corwin [00:02:15]:
Easy. You're gonna go to momslikeus.org . I say that a lot. It's MomsLikeUs.org, and you can read about the academy, and you can read about woman, and you can sign up right there. And it's a monthly, a monthly woman, monthly academy. So it's like a monthly subscription and there's different prices at different times. And so if you email me at mona@momslikeus.org, then and tell me that you heard me on the radio and on the podcast, then I will give you a coupon to get the best price that you can get.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:02:54]:
Awesome. Because all of us know that moms like us are on a budget. We are. And I'm telling you what, with the gas prices I'm from California. The gas prices are over $5 a gallon now. And all those minivan moms that used to run around are now finding more fun things to do in their own communities, because it just costs a fortune to drive. So you can go to this event without leaving your house.
Mona Corwin [00:03:16]:
You can. And it's and it's monthly. Monthly. You're gonna you're gonna get 4 different. You just go online and look. Tell me how you came up with this name for this podcast and and what is The Passion podcast? Because when I heard it, I just started laughing.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:03:32]:
So it's the Titus to woman the God is is instructs the Titus 2 woman, the older women to teach the younger. And however old you are, there is somebody younger than you. How to love their husbands. That means how to be a friend to your husband and how to love their children. Love your children in a way that is going to guide their hearts and give them a zeal for life for for Christ. Because if we live in a genuine love walk with the Lord, that's the light that will draw our kids to wanna know our Savior.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:04:05]:
My husband was in youth ministry for 18 years. He's been a senior pastor for 24 years. The number one thing that drives kids away from the faith that they are raised with is hypocrisy in their Christian homes. So my passion is to, you know, I've spoken for years and I always say, and old ladies know stuff and they always crack up, but that's true. And God calls the journey woman to teach the apprentice. And I don't know about you Mona, but I teach more passionately and more effectively from my failures the I do from my successes.
Mona Corwin [00:04:36]:
I think that's why women like us. Yeah. That are moms who know stuff. We don't just know things that are all good. We know some bad things and some pitfalls and some how patties that we might have gone to. And we're gonna tell you what those are no how guest what you don't step in them. Yeah.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:04:53]:
Well I always say I can write a letter to my younger self and it really does no one any good. Just makes me feel maybe regrets, which my website is NoRegretsWoman.com But if I write a letter to my younger self and I give it to a younger woman it does no one any good. And you gotta be real. Right? Like, you know, these young ladies walk into church and they see these women singing the hymns, singing the worship songs, and they think, oh, they'll never understand what I've struggled with. Well, they know. I had postpartum after my 3rd child. I had terrible, hormonal imbalances that I am ashamed to say. I literally put my newborn in the arms of my 6 year old when she got home from elementary school and I would go in my room and cry.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:05:34]:
And I've had to go back to that 6 year old who's now gonna be 40 this year and say I'm so sorry. And she has been so gracious and says, mom, I don't even remember it,
Mona Corwin [00:05:42]:
which thank God.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:05:45]:
But those, you know, moms that are in the trenches, moms that are fighting those hormonal imbalances, they need to know we've walked a mile in their shoes, and we're not here to judge you. We're here to be a light, a beacon of hope because your mom's like us.
Mona Corwin [00:05:58]:
And now the truth is the culture's not gonna do that. Know. I mean, basically, you can be anything you want. We've been told, oh, you can break glass ceilings. You can do all the. You can be anything you on. But girl don't be a mom and a wife because there's no value in the. And that's not true.
Mona Corwin [00:06:18]:
There's extreme value. God created us to be wives and mothers and how created the design so beautifully. And when women find out what that design is, they fall in love with it. And they're life, oh yeah, that's what I've wanted all along. And that's just one of the things that we teach at Moms Like Us. And I know when you deal with marriage, that that's one of the things you're pulling in. Right? Like you said, how to be your husband's friend.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:06:45]:
Steve and I wrote a book called "The Marriage Mentor - Becoming the Couple You Long to Be". Because you know the couple you want to be and you long to be, but she got lost somewhere along the way between boogers and bums. You're wiping them all day long and it just isn't very glamorous. No. And yet you can build a no regrets marriage and you can surround yourself with women. I I know when I wasn't the wife I meant to be, when I wasn't the mom I hoped I would be, I looked around at women whose husbands still laughed at their jokes, whose kids would bring their friends over to their house when they were in high school and wanna hang out. And I'm like, girl, I gotta know what you know, because I wanna be a mom like you.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:07:20]:
And they were amazing. They were real. They were genuine. They invited me to Bible studies. I'm like, I don't need another Bible study. I just need to know how to be a better my wife and mom. And they're like, you need a bible study girlfriend. And in those studies, they shared their regrets and how God took what was meant for evil and used it for good.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:07:39]:
They cheered me on when I had a pregnancy that I was like, "I can't believe I am pregnant again!" They would laugh with me and say, "you're gonna thank the Lord daily for this surprise baby. And I do. I used to tucker in at night."
Rhonda Stoppe [00:07:53]:
God, how You knew I needed this little baby? And those women are still the dearest of friends. And I watched them have marriages that honored Christ, and I watched them heal marriages. And now I'm watching them grieve the loss of their spouses. Yeah. And I'm watching the, we've gotta learn. Grieve well.
Mona Corwin [00:08:10]:
We've gotta learn how to do that. Yeah. I know that, it was an older woman that, really I said, my husband won't need. And she said she laughed at me and she said, why does he need to, honey? I'm life, well because that's what a godly husband ladies. Right? And she said, no that's not what I asked you. Why does he need to? Because you're leading. And she taught me how to bring out the man and my man and literally she was really blunt with the. And I she said to me did you really say that to your husband? I said, yeah I did I'm life la la la la. And she's like baby And then she would just softly tell me. And then she would tell me, you probably need to apologize.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:08:55]:
And what I'm hearing you say is the non emotional insight into how you're living your life. That's the value of mentors. They're not caught up in your hormonal imbalances or your sleepless nights with that newborn or your offense because your husband's not measuring up to your expectations. If you invite them to speak truth into your life and then you listen and take that advice and ask the Lord to help you adjust to the truth, the biblical values that they're imparting, man, you are going to build a no regrets marriage. You're gonna be a mom without regrets and your kids are gonna rise up and call you blessed. And when you're old like me, they're gonna wanna come to your house and they're gonna bring their spouse and their children to play at nana and papa's house. So it's worth it. And that's why Old Ladies Know Stuff and Moms Like Us Do Things Like This.
Mona Corwin [00:09:48]:
This has been so fun.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:09:51]:
Super fun. Okay. So tell us one more time your website that they can find you.
Mona Corwin [00:09:55]:
Okay. It's MomsLikeUs.org and you can find us on, Instagram @Mona_Corwin and Pinterest. We have a beautiful Pinterest page. I have an awesome girl that handles all the Pinterest page. And then, of course, the podcast, "Moms Like Us Do Things Like This". And it's your mom mentor with Christian wisdom and advice. And please send me an email again at Mona@momslikeus.org.
Mona Corwin [00:10:22]:
And I will find somebody that has an answer or I will direct you.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:10:25]:
The you go. Thanks so much. I have so enjoyed christian. And ladies, we are praying for you. I always say and I stole this from, from a a biblical teacher. "Moms, you're the architects of the next generation". Amen. And to what God has called us, he will equip us.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:10:42]:
Go find your mentors and let the Lord turn the world upside down through your testimony, your love for Christ, and the children that you're raising.
Mona Corwin [00:10:50]:
Yeah. Because this is this is the this is the real deal, ladies. For such a time as this.
Rhonda Stoppe [00:10:53]:
That's right. Thank you Mona.. Bye-bye.