Old Ladies Know Stuff with Rhonda Stoppe & Friends

When You Don’t Know What to Do

June 20, 2023 Rhonda Stoppe No Regrets Woman Season 1 Episode 16

When You Don’t Know What to Do - From her own life story - Rhonda Stoppe unpacks insights from 2 Chronicles 20:12 … “Lord, we don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”

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"This podcast is for the purpose of mentoring only and is not a replacement for therapy. We suggest you seek out the help of a trained biblical counselor for help with your specific situation.”

When You Don't Know What to Do
With Rhonda Stoppe - No Regrets Woman

Rhonda Stoppe [00:00:00]:

Second Chronicles 20:12. It says, Our God, will you not execute judgment on them, for we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you. If you don't have that scripture memorized, today's the day, the last part. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you. I have prayed that so many times to the Lord. In this situation, it was King Jehosphat, and he had been given word that Edom was coming to destroy them. He was afraid.

Rhonda Stoppe [00:00:39]:

I love this. In verse three of two Chronicles, chapter 20, verse three, Jehosphat was afraid, and he set his face to seek the Lord. Sometimes when we're scared, we get so caught up in the oh, nos, and if onlys, and what ifs that we forget to set our face to the Lord? He proclaimed a fast throughout all of Judah. He reminded everyone, yes, we are in danger. Yes, there is a hoard of Edomites coming upon us. Or they were actually, to be specific, they were the Moabites, the Ammonites, the Miyunites and Jehosphat. They were coming against him in battle, but he knew where his strength was. He knew that he could have rallied the troops and he could have tried, but he'd stopped and he said, Lord, we don't know what to do.

Rhonda [00:01:29]:

We're outnumbered, but our eyes are on you. You ever felt like that, like you're outnumbered, like there's just no hope in the situation that you're in. Maybe you find yourself up against a court decision that you know is not going to go your way. Maybe it's a work situation, maybe it's a financial situation. Maybe you're worried about some finances and not sure how you're going to come through it. Maybe it's a health issue. Whatever it is, do you not know what to do? I've been there. There have been times where I remember when my husband and I were living in Austin, Texas.

Rhonda [00:02:03]:

We had planted a church there. We were so happy in the ministry that we were in in Texas, and yet God kept drawing our hearts to come back to minister at a church in California. And my husband and I did not want to come back to California. We loved texas. And I remember praying, lord, we don't know what to do, but our eyes are on you. We knew if we left the safety of our sweet little church in Texas to go back to California, that it was not going to be an easy move, that we had children. My oldest son had just graduated from college, was going into the military. My daughter was a junior in high school, and we had two younger children, and it was moving them to a place that didn't have good schools.

Rhonda  [00:02:45]:

It wasn't a good environment for our kids. We were scared. I was scared. And I remember saying, Lord, we don't know what to do, but our eyes are on you. And I remember the day that my husband said, okay, we're not going to talk about this anymore. We're going to put on a pot of coffee, we're going to talk about it all day today, and then we're not talking about it anymore. And we made a list of pros and cons and the pros the best thing for us to do, the safest thing for us to do was to stay right where we were. And the cons said, don't go.

Rhonda [00:03:16]:

But it nudged our hearts and we said, Lord, we'll go if you're sending us, but we don't know what to do. Our eyes are on you. And we packed all of our stuff up and we said goodbye to our church family, which, by the way, we didn't just sneak out in the middle of the night. We let our church know we were considering this option, this opportunity. And we had them pray with us and for us. And it was a hard decision when we left the church in Texas to come back to California. But they understood that sometimes God calls us to things that are scary. Sometimes God calls us out of our comfort zone.

Rhonda [00:03:50]:

He calls us to do things that are bigger than we are, not in our own strength. He calls us to say, Lord, I don't know what to do, but my eyes are on you. And as we drove from Texas all the way to California, everything that could go wrong went wrong. We had flat tires, we had a trailer that jackknifed and came off of the hitch. We had all kinds of things. If we were looking for a reason to say, oh, the Lord's closing the door and to turn back to Texas, we could have found one. But we just kept praying, lord, we don't know what to do, but our eyes are on you. And as we pulled into the town that God was sending us, we prayed, lord, we don't know what to do, but our eyes are on you.

Rhonda [00:04:30]:

And you know, that was 23 years ago that we came back to California to minister here. And in that time, we didn't do it in our strength. We didn't know what to do. We came back seeking his will, his ways, and asking Him to show us who he wanted us to share the Gospel with. And God has grown our sweet, small, little church into a wonderful church family that is filled with new believers and growing believers and disciples and making disciples. And it didn't come from our strengths, but we didn't know what to do. But with our eyes on Him, he showed us what to do. Are you at a place where you're trying to make a decision today? Pray that prayer, lord, we don't know what to do, but our eyes are on you.

Rhonda [00:05:14]:

Are you feeling like there's an attack coming your way? Are you feeling misunderstood? Are you feeling like there's a financial burden? You're just not going to be able to pull through. Pray with King Jehosphat. Lord, we don't know what to do, but our eyes are on you. I'm praying with you today. Let's ask God to give us courage and wisdom to not be so focused on the fear, but to focus on faith. Not faith in our faith, but faith in our God. Our eyes are on you. When we don't know what to do.

Rhonda [00:05:45]:

I pray that would be your battle cry today. Have a wonderful day.

To learn more about Rhonda's story and God's Calling on her life watch this video:

For More insights from 2 Chronicles 20:12 read the commentary at BibleStudyTools.

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